Hiya everyone!
I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth but I stopped making cards due to tiredness in April due to pregnancy and only started making cards again when I found out that the Cardmaker of the Year competition was back by Cardmaking and papercraft magazine which was around July. I pushed myself to enter as I really wanted to do better than last year (I came 2nd in Craftime Creative Flatbacks and 3rd in Fiskars categories) I had a few months till the deadline of 14th September so for 2 months all I made was cards for the competition so I've done no blog challenges or any customer orders or anything. Well, it all paid off as I got a phone call on Wednesday from Lucy at Cardmaking and Papercraft magazine that I was the winner of the Cardmaker of the Year competition 2010. Apparently, I came 1st in Pink Petticoat and La Pashe categories and 2nd in Cosmo Cricket and Joanna Sheen categories. I've won £700 in prizes altogether. I am soooooo surprised I won especially as I haven't been up to much this year although I did spend a lot of time and effort on my entries. If any of you are interested the magazine will be out on 23rd November.
My baby is due on 6th December so I have a lot a great things to look forward to in the next couple of months. I wouldn't have done any of this without the help, love and support of my wonderful husband Shane - so big, big hugs and kisses for you!
Thanks for listening!!!
Paula. x